What is the punishment for abortion?
How to take refuge in the law
A case of illegal abortion or unusual crime can be filed in the court or police station in two ways.
The case was filed in the court
In case of filing a case in the court, one has to go to a lawyer first. After showing all the documents to the lawyer, you have to talk to him about the cost of the case. If the cost is to your liking, you have to file a case through that lawyer.
The lawyer will review all of the plaintiff's documents and make a complaint. Then file a case in the form of CR or petition in the court of the nearest Chief Judicial Magistrate or Chief Metropolitan Magistrate.
The court judge will issue a summons or arrest warrant directly to the accused with his statement in accordance with Section 200 of the Criminal Procedure Code. In some cases, the judge may direct the police to investigate the case. If the investigation report is found to be true, then the court will issue summons or arrest warrant directly.
A case was filed at the police station
In case of illegal abortion, you can also file a case as a statement to the nearest police station. If the case is accepted by the police station, an investigation officer will be appointed by the duty officer of the police station. The investigating officer will be able to arrest the accused and hand him over to the court.
You can also seek redress through the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act. The law requires an application to the nearest magistrate court for both protection and compensation. Based on the hearing there, the court can order family protection and compensation. If the defendant violates the court's protection order, you can appeal to the court separately under Section 30 of the Act. The court can impose a six-month jail term or a fine of Tk 10,000 or both on those who violate the security order after the evidence is proved.
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