

মামলা মোকদ্দমা
Law firm in Dhaka

Our litigation team is divided into two parts: District Court & High Court teams. We assist in Civil, Criminal & High Court litigations from filing to appeals/revisions & writs.

Please contact us directly for more information on how our team can help you in your particular situation.

List of Key Experience and Capabilities

Writ (Administrative Law) matters


  • An application seeking declaration in a tender (procurement) matter
  • An application challenging legality of judgment & order passed by the learned Labour Appellate Tribunal in a labour appeal.
  • An application challenging legality the respondent’s order directed at the Petitioner to pay unpaid VAT under section 73 of the Value Added Tax and Supplementary Duty Act, 2012
  • An application challenging validity of the order passed by the Learned Artha Rin Adalat
  • An application of habeas corpus seeking production of the detained person before the Court (child custody matter)
  • An application under Article 102 seeking declaration that the scheduled auction notice publishes in national dailies as being without lawful authority
  • An application in respect of inaction of the respondents to take appropriate steps against illegality, misappropriation and corruption of a public servant
  • An application seeking direction upon concerned authorities not to prevent the petitioner from going abroad using his passport
  • An application challenging validity of judgment and order in an Election Appeal cancelling nomination of the petitioner and for allocation of symbol & insertion of the petitioner in the ballot
  • An application for issuing rule nisi to show cause as to why the letter issued by Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission should not be declared to have been issued without lawful authority
  • An application under Article 102 to declare permission to operate and manage bit/khatal of cattle as illegal
  • An application challenging decision of Governing Body of Degree School/College
  • An application to promote the petitioner from Master Roll employee status to regular Government employee status
  • An application challenging suspension of the Mayor
  • An application challenging removal of petitioner from post of Chairman
  • An application for review of a judgment & order passed in a writ petition
  • An application challenging supersession of rank in promotion of an officer
  • An application for inclusion as freedom fighter
  • An application for direction upon respondent bank to release mortgage property
  • An application challenging legality of judgment & order passed by the learned Labour Appellate Tribunal in a labour appeal.
  • An application challenging legality of the order passed by the Customs Excise and VAT Appellate Tribunal
  • An application for issuance of injunction against the respondent to refrain them from disconnecting gas connection of the petitioner
  • An application challenging order of the learned Artha Rin Adalat rejecting the application for examining of signature in various documents
  • An application challenging inaction of a public authority
  • An application challenging Tender Notice

Criminal Matters

  • Application for Anticipatory Bail
  • Application for Bail (for accused in custody)
  • Revision application challenging validity of an order of framing charge
  • Appeal challenging validity of an order of Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Tribunal
  • Appeal against conviction of accused
  • 561A Application for quashment of the case below
  • 561A Application challenging Mobile Court order
  • Application for condonation of delay


Civil Appeals & Revisions

  • An application being aggrieved and dissatisfied with an order of the court below
  • An application being aggrieved by the judgment & decree of the learned District Court
  • Application for stay of suit below
  • A revisional application against rejection of appeal and affirmation of family court judgment & order
  • A revisional application against judgment & order allowing appeal and reversing judgment of court below


Company Matters

  • Application for condonation of delay in holding Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • Application for amendment of object clause
  • Application for amalgamation of companies
  • Application for winding up of companies
  • Application for rectification of register
  • Application under section 233 of the Companies Act (minority protection)



  • Application for enforcement of Arbitration Award
  • Application for set-aside of Arbitration Award
  • Applications for interim remedies

High Court Litigation

Company Matter Litigations

Shareholders Protection

Time Extension for AGM

Rectifications & Amendments

Winding Up

Admiralty/maritime/Casualty Claims

Ship Arrest

Income Tax Reference


Writ Petition against Tribunals (VAT, Tax, Customs etc)

Arbitration Misc. Case

Urgent Injuntions/Stay/Status Quo

Civil Appeal

Criminal Appeal

Civil Revision

Criminal Revision

Civl Miscellaneous

Criminal Miscellaneous

Anticipatory Bails

561 A Quashment proceedings

District Court Litigation

Criminal Bail

Criminal Petition Cases

Loan Recovery

Money Suit

Arbitration Misc. Case

Trademark Cases

Intellectual Property Claims

Injunctions/Status Quo

Land Suits

Execution Cases

Artha Rin Cases

Cheque Dishonor Cases

White Collar Crimes

Criminal Defense 

Criminal Prosecution

Labour Court Cases

VAT Tribunal Cases

Land Survey Tribunals

Executive Magistrates Court Cases

Civil Reivision 

Civil Appeals

Criminal Appeal/Revisions